The person i
admire the most is my grandfather. His name is Carlos Henriquez, he was born on
february 26 in 1930, he has 87 years old.
He is the cutest
of the world, he has blue eyes, is tall and also has an amazing and pure heart.
He studied
politics and with effort he became a magistrate, also he is a pastor.
In his first
marriage, he married Beatriz Ordoñez and he got 3 children, two girls and one
boy, they born in the United States. In the second one, he married Elvira Perea
that is my grandmother, at the moment they have 44 years of marriage. With my
grandmother he got 2 children, one girl and one boy that is my father Juan
At the age of 38
years old he was diagnoticated with cancer and every doctor told him that he
was going to die, but thanks God he became cancer free and he still alive, it
was a miracle. He is a warrior because he has overcome all the bad things in
his life and he has achieved all of his goals.