My name is Valentina Henriquez Sandoval, i am 16 years old, i was born in Barranquilla Colombia on September 15 / 2001. I live with my parents and with the housekepper, my father´s name is Juan Carlos Henriquez and my mother´s name is Ledys Sandoval. I am an only child but I have 3 cousins that live next to me so they are my brothers. Also from my dad I am the only girl, granddaughter and niece so that’s why they are very affectionate with me.
I like to travel but not only with my parents, I like to travel with the whole family because my family is very funny so together we can create a lot of memories. I like to hang out with all my friends because I love them so much, I like to watch series on netflix.
I am an extroverted person if I like the person, if I don’t like I am rude. Must of the time i am happy I don’t like to be sad so I try to laugh or smile always. I like the babies and my biggest dream is to be mom.

I really try to enjoy the life and to see the positive side of things, so this is my life.


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